Projects Made Simple your small business virtual assistant

How could I possibly share my beloved team?

The worst day of my life was when Projects Made Simple asked me for a testimonial.

While we LOVE to share good things (like an amazing shoe sale or a great new flavor at Starbucks), there are some things we just want to keep for ourselves! How could I possibly share my beloved team???

Well, because we DO live in an abundant universe! (And I don’t want to get my hand slapped for being stingy when I go to heaven. That would pretty much ruin my whole day.)

<sigh> So it is with great pleasure that I give my heartiest thumbs-up! My old VA was a one-person show, and when she went through family troubles, MY business fell apart. So then I went with a new 17-person team, thinking any one of ’em could have family troubles and someone else could pick up the ball for me. But then they started “streamlining” and suddenly only pieces of my workload were being handled, leaving me to go find other VAs to fill in the gaps.

Which is exactly what happened when I met Projects Made Simple. It was just to fill in a gap. But here’s the funny thing about a gap. Where there’s a gap, there’s a vacuum. And in a very SHORT period of time, I moved my entire workload to Projects Made Simple to fill in that vacuum.

And then I proceeded to make offerings. Not like what you do at church on Sunday. I started offering complex, creative, DARING projects, that would be sure to break their entire system. Ha! Joke was on me! (That turned out to be a “duh” moment, because I forgot the name of the company: Projects Made SIMPLE. HellooOOOooo!)

If you need your business (and your life!) to be simple, the name says it all! The proof is in the pudding. At this time last year, you’d see my head spinning around on its axis on any given day. The overwhelm was annoying and frustrating. But nowadays, my head is fixed and on straight, my desk is clear, and my heart so OPEN for the amazing success they are a PARTNER to. Thank you, Projects Made Simple!

Can I get into heaven now?

Rémy Chaussé
Host, The Get UNstuck Expert Café




Sharing What We Know




You are SO AWESOME!!!!! Thank you for all your help getting me prepared for my first teleclass!!! I would have never been able to pull this off without you!!!! Paula Nuspl