There are just not enough words or room here to write all of the help with projects and website support hours Tara and her team have provided for me over the years. It’s been at least 5. Not only is Tara’s work beautiful and precise, her response time to all emails and completion of projects is frankly unlike anyone or anything I’ve ever encountered. There are VA’s that you can delegate some of your administrative tasks who may be efficient. AND THEN THERE’S TARA!! If you’re an entreprenuer and time as well as proficiency and quality are of the essence (your brand and business are your reputation), Projects Made Simple LLC is totally your #1 choice.
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Thank you again for your quick and easy way of just doing what needs to be done! I’m so grateful. It feels like I’m being so impulsive and just throwing stuff up when it feels right. It’s working really well (6 sign ups in an hour) and you are right there with me. I really appreciate it.Lisa Mitchell
I am grateful that magnificently left-brained Tara takes joy in balancing out a mostly right-brained me. She frees me up to do what I do best. I don’t know what I would do without her and I don’t intend to find out.Carol Kline
Tara is the right hand for my business. I can count on her to be quick, accurate and pleasant. Her skills are many, and she remains calm, no matter how harried I may be. Thank you for being there when I need you and more.Kathleen Hanagan
I cannot begin to say how wonderful it is to have you with us. Diane and I were talking last night–saying that we don’t know how we ever managed without you, your skills, and your helpful attitude. Thank you!C. KlineStreetwise Spirituality
I love working with Tara and her team. She has brought peace of mind knowing that I have support for my business so I can focus on serving and creating. Thank you, Tara!Gale West
There are just not enough words or room here to write all of the help with projects and website support hours Tara and her team have provided for me over the years. It’s been at least 5. Not only is Tara’s work beautiful and precise, her response time to all emails and completion of projects is frankly unlike anyone or anything I’ve ever encountered. There are VA’s that you can delegate some of your administrative tasks who may be efficient. AND THEN THERE’S TARA!! If you’re an entreprenuer and … Read moreDarlene Sochin-Maras
Thank you for helping me get in DIVINE ORDER Tara!! I highly recommend her!!Beth Lynch
I really appreciate all the help and guidance and your services are just what I need to complete my projects. Thank you for your fast and efficient work.Janet Richmond
Projects Made Simple has been a life saver to me. We were in over our heads in work in preparation for a big workshop and I with one short conversation I was able to turn over everything that was keeping me up at night to their team. It was seamless and perfect. Thanks!RebeccaWomen’s Divorce Resource Center
Before I met Tara, I had more good ideas than time; more started than finished projects and too many frustrations at not being able to get my work done. With Tara as my partner, my ability to succeed has improved in many areas. She’s a great sounding board, efficient in getting my tasks accomplished and a tremendous accountability partner. You need Tara if you want your success to be expanded.Victoria Trabosh