Projects Made Simple your small business virtual assistant

10 Best Small Business Management Tips (part 2)











10 Best Small Business Management Tips (part 2)

Many small business owners have seen success by following these best practices. To help you out, we’ve made a list of what we think is the 10 best small business management tips. This is part 2, Tips 6-10.

  1. Know when to take a step back

Delegation is an art form. For some, it’s hard to give things up and trust someone else to do it as you envisioned. Hand over a project or task, delegation is a well-known way to get more done, grow your business, and give the illusion that you have superpowers!

If you’re having a hard time keeping up, you lack a work-life balance, or you’re taking on tasks you aren’t qualified to do, it’s time to delegate. There’s likely someone on your team that can help you, but if there’s not, this next tip can help.

When you ask for help some think it’s a sign of weakness, but what it really says about you is that you are a great leader. 

Start by listing all your tasks and highlighting those that don’t require your skills. These are the tasks you should start delegating first.

  1. Outsource

Outsourcing is becoming the future, especially since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic when people had to distance themselves from others, remote offices started popping up and gaining momentum. Outsourcing is a way to keep overhead costs low because you don’t need to pay for onsite offices or lengthy onboarding. Outsourcing keeps you focused and allows you to find the best talent across the globe. Today you can outsource just about anything. Here at

Projects Made Simple LLC, we can help! We customize everything we do to meet the needs of our clients. We create elegant business solutions that simplify and take care of the details that are overwhelming you and making you lose the ability to love what you do. So if there is something you are struggling with let us know and we will see what we can do.

Take the time-consuming tasks off your plate and check your team members to see if they are being weighed down by tasks that could be alleviated from their workload. Help them by outsourcing that work, leaving them free to apply their skills where they’re needed most.

Consider outsourcing instead of hiring, you’ll save on overhead, payroll, and headaches.

  1. Learn to hire, fire, and manage a team 

Some of the most seemingly endless tedious tasks for managers are also some of the most important for your company. Our list of the 10 best small business management tips would be incomplete if we failed to mention them. Hiring the right people, helping the wrong people move on, and handling people-management tasks like coaching, mentoring, training, and recognition are all crucial. Don’t just rely on books, articles, and social media. Attend some small business management conferences or webinars and participate in skill-building sessions, to gain some useful knowledge and experience.

Use the 80/20 rule from the Pareto principle, recognize that 20 percent of your team members are doing the bulk of the work, and put the other 80 percent on track to evolve, grow, and improve – or be left behind.

  1. Schedule time for yourself

Having constant meetings can be a drain on your time. One of the best ways to be more productive is to schedule time for yourself. That means occasionally closing your door, saying no to meetings, and doing what is necessary to protect that time for yourself. Set aside time to focus, finish important tasks, and think about upcoming tasks and projects.

  1. Develop Productivity as a skill 

With so much to stay on top of, productivity isn’t something to leave to chance. Productivity is a skill that you must develop. To help out, we have a few small business management tips for productivity.

  • Set aside time to finish work
  • Use the 80/20 rule
  • Ban multitasking for you and your team
  • Leave 20 percent of your workday open, something always comes up


Every business has its ups and downs, challenges, and strengths. Your job as a small business owner or manager is to overcome obstacles and always push for the best possible solutions while moving your company toward meeting its goals. However, there’s no need to feel like your company’s success rests on your shoulders alone. In fact, it’s important to take a step back sometimes and allow others to do some of the heavy lifting.

In fact, the most crucial point on this list of small business management tips is to delegate to a virtual assistant. With Projects Made Simple, you can hand off any tasks that you’re too busy to do yourself, freeing you up for core business activities. Contact us today and see what we can accomplish.


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